We believe in perseverance, and the compounding effects that result from the relentless pursuit of progress.
ZhenFund believes in innovation,in bold adventures and in the exceptional singularity of visionary entrepreneurs. We believe in youth and in technology’s might.
We believe in boundless ambition and the courage to defy giants.
We believe in team work, co-founders and fair shares.
They understand real market needs and deliver extraordinary products.
And that’s what we’ve done for more than a decade.
We believe in honesty, authenticity and equal dialogue.We believe investors should help, not hinder; assist, not advise; suggest, not suppress.
We believe in boundless ambition and the courage to defy giants.
We believe in the ability to build things and execute quickly.
As visionaries, they are prescient, often keener at detecting opportunities than even the most seasoned investors.
We believe the best investors are those who make decisions quickly, provide friendly terms and, most importantly, stay loyal to founders.
We believe the essential skills for creating a successful startup can only be gained through the journey.
We believe that done is better than perfect.
We believe that done is better than perfect.
We believe the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.
We believe that failure mothers success, and success generates greatness.
We believe that failure mothers success, and success generates greatness.
We believe in humility, constant iteration and improvement.
We believe in humility, constant iteration and improvement.
We believe in perseverance, and the compounding effects that result from the relentless pursuit of progress.
ZhenFund believes in innovation, in bold adventures and in the exceptional singularity of visionary entrepreneurs. As visionaries, they are prescient, often keener at detecting opportunities than even the most seasoned investors. They understand real market needs and deliver extraordinary products.
We believe in boundless ambition and the courage to defy giants.
We believe the essential skills for creating a successful startup can only be gained through the journey.
We believe that failure mothers success, and success generates greatness.
We believe in youth and in technology’s might.
We believe in the ability to build things and execute quickly.We believe that done is better than perfect.
We believe in honesty, authenticity and equal dialogue.
We believe in humility, constant iteration and improvement.
We believe in team work, co-founders and fair shares.
We believe the best investors are those who make decisions quickly, provide friendly terms and, most importantly, stay loyal to founders.
We believe investors should help, not hinder; assist, not advise; suggest, not suppress.
We believe the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.
And that’s what we’ve done for more than a decade.
Our Manifesto
LinkZill will continue to deepen its work in TFT underlying technologies, building a more comprehensive, fully domestically produced, and independently controlled life science equipment ecosystem.
This financing round will provide strong support for Stardetect’s continued growth.
  • Zhen Summer Grant

    ZhenFund offers scholarships ranging from 200,000 to 500,000 RMB for each team. By the end of the team’s 8-12-week summer venture, working with Zhen Summer Grant, the team will have established its first company, a giant step forward into entrepreneurship.

    Apply Now
  • ZhenResidence

    ZhenResidence has been operating since 2014 as a “Mini Business School” designed to help potential entrepreneurs gain insight into the real world of starting a company in China. To date, ZhenResidence has been held a total of 13 times, helping more than 400 potential entrepreneurs pursue their dreams. A number of start-up projects have been funded by ZhenFund via ZhenResidence. The program, which lasts for 3-5 days, is held in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.

  • ZhenCampus

    ZhenFund’s university startup-sharing series, ZhenCampus, provides a unique opportunity for high-potential students and researchers to communicate with founders and investors. Learn from their first-hand experience to gain insights into the real world of startups. It’s a chance to better understand not only the opportunities but also the challenges that founders face.

    If you have any ideas or questions about ZhenCampus and want to communicate with the ZhenFund team, please contact us by sending an email to zhencampus@zhenfund.com.

    Learn more
  • OfficeHour

    ZhenFund Office Hour is designed to help students communicate with seasoned investors on topics of entrepreneurship. Just like college office hours, these are not formal lectures but rather a time for relaxed and free communication, an opportunity for you to pick the brains of alumni ZhenFund investors about technology and entrepreneurship. When you sign up for ZhenFund Office Hour, the team will conduct a simple screening before sending attendance method information to participants via WeChat or email. 

    Learn more
Submitting BPs to dream@zhenfund.com
Submitting AI-related BPs to prompt@zhenfund.com
Press Inquiries: media@zhenfund.com