Join Zhenfund's portfolios
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  • Job openings at Zhenfund's portfolios
    Zhenfund’s portfolio companies have job openings in major cities in China, North...
    Job openings at Zhenfund's portfolios

    Zhenfund’s portfolio companies have job openings in major cities in China, North America, Europe, Southeast Asia and other regions. Click the link below to view openings, including product managers, engineers, marketing managers and other positions.

  • Joint Campus Recruitment
    ZhenFund holds joint campus recruitment events every year, bringing together out...
    Joint Campus Recruitment

    ZhenFund holds joint campus recruitment events every year, bringing together outstanding portfolio companies to provide hundreds of job opportunities for students.These events are held in various formats across South China, East China and North China, covering popular industries such as artificial intelligence, semiconductors, new energy, biomedicine, e-commerce, consumer goods and enterprise services. They provide students in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou with access to hundreds of job opportunities. Please follow ZhenFund’s official WeChat account for updates during the annual fall recruiting season.

  • ZhenMeetUp
    ZhenFund regularly invites exceptional professionals from vertical industries to...

    ZhenFund regularly invites exceptional professionals from vertical industries to engage in face-to-face discussions with investors and portfolio founders. Together they explore industry trends and facilitate talent with potential business partners.

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  • Beijing

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