ZhenCraft Review : Will XR bring us the last screen in the world?

November 18th, ZhenFund held the 'ZhenCraft · XR Roundtable Salon' activity in Beijing. Thirty guests from both the industry and academia joined with technology investors of ZhenFund to explore cutting-edge technological innovations in the XR field. The discussion delved into the profound integration of technology, providing insights and analysis on the opportunities and challenges that the XR industry is facing.


As an active angel fund, ZhenFund has been consistently focusing on the XR field for an extended period. Notable startup companies in our portfolio include SaphluxWavueIrisviewCaveman Studio and Source Technology etc.


Despite the recent challenges the global XR industry is facing, ZhenFund, as staunch advocates of technological optimism, remains steadfast in the belief that, rather than being troubled by outside noises, it is better to focus wholeheartedly on creation. Technology will ultimately change the way people perceive the world in the future.


Within the one-week recruitment period for this ZhenCraft event, we received a total of 168 applications from individuals with rich experience in the XR industry. Due to the limited capacity of the closed-door salon, thirty participants were ultimately selected to attend the event.


Since 2019, ZhenCraft has been continuously offering entrepreneurs the opportunity to discover cutting-edge business opportunities and forge like-minded entrepreneurial partnerships.