ZhenCraft Review: How To Find the Key to Embodied Intelligence Business Value Creation

On December 22, 2023, ZhenFund held the "ZhenCraft · Embodied Intelligence Salo" activity in Shanghai, inviting nearly 50 entrepreneurs, cutting-edge researchers, and senior practitioners in the field of embodied intelligence to explore the opportunities and challenges facing the field of embodied intelligence from different perspectives together with ZhenFund investors.

As an active angel investor, ZhenFund pays attention to the development of the field of embodied intelligence, has been laying out in the surrounding fields such as industrial robots and autonomous driving for many years, and has been observing and looking for the most potential teams.

In this event, we have the honor to invite Liu Yong from Zhejiang University, Gao Fei from Zhejiang University, Wu Yi from Tsinghua University, Zhao Hao from Tsinghua University, Yu Chao from MagicAtom, Pan Yunzhe from Pan Motor,  Tom Zhang from Daxo and other guests. With Zhenfund investment team Emma Yin, Mario Chen, and Zhang Jiaqi, around the topic of Embodied Intelligence technology development, application scenarios, and industrial prospects exchange and discussion.

Since 2019, ZhenCraft has been continuously offering entrepreneurs the opportunity to discover cutting-edge business opportunities and forge like-minded entrepreneurial partnerships.
