The 2nd AI Storytelling Competition Kicks Off! Co-Creating New Literary Possibilities with AI

We believe everyone has a unique story they want to tell, and has imagined what it would be like to rewrite the ending of our favorite books as the author.

Following the successful holding of the “1st Chinese AI Flash Fiction Competition” this August, GenWorld has partnered with leading overseas and domestic AI organizations like HuggingFace, Minimax, and ZhenFund to host the 2nd "AI Storytelling Competition"!

The "AI Storytelling Competition" aims to provide tools and opportunities for participants from all walks of life to share their stories, explore creative boundaries, and ignite imaginative sparks.

[Competition Rules]
Same as the previous event, stories submitted to the “AI Storytelling Competition” must be AI-generated.
  • Word count: <5000 words

  • Theme: Unlimited, original stories, unpublished, rewriting others' stories or supplementing an ending are all welcome

  • Format: Text or text + multimodal content (video, images, etc.)

  • AI-generated: Stories and multimodal content can only be AI-generated, no human editing, proof of AI use required (screenshots or video)

  • AI tools: No limits on models or tools used (open-source, ChatGPT, Claude, etc.), no limits on usage methods (script calls are ok but records required)

  • Grading criteria: Creativity, coherence, characterization etc. Judged by professional writers, game/film creators

  • Best Interactive Award: Highest social engagement on GenWorld Discord or media between Nov 15th to Dec 20th

  • Most Popular Multimodal Story Award: Multimodal/Interactive stories using etc. weighted calculation of players and social engagement like likes, shares, comments to rank popularity during the same period

[How to Apply?]
STEP 1 - Fill in sign up form, join WeChat/Discord group
STEP 2 - Use ChatGPT, etc to AI-generate your story, rewrite existing stories or create your own
STEP 3 - Upload via submission link (shared in groups)
STEP 4 - Share your story on GenWorld Discord or social media
STEP 5 - Glory awaits! Competition results announced in group chats first!